
Registration Instructions for 2016 IEEE DASC/PICom/DataCom/CyberSciTech Conferences and the Associated Workshops and Special Sessions:

    1. EACH accepted paper needs one Full Registration. Please indicate your Paper ID during the registration.
    2. The paper must comply with the following page limit and purchasing extra pages if needed
      • Regular Paper: 8 pages, up to 2 extra pages at 50USD per extra page.
      • Special Session/Workshop Paper: 6 pages, up to 2 extra pages at 50USD per extra page.
      • Poster Paper: 4 pages, up to 2 extra pages at 50USD per extra page.
    3. The Basic/Student Registration is for
      • a) If one author has made the full registration, other authors of the paper want to attend the conference.
      • b) An attendee without a paper.
    4. Final Payment for Full Registration Due: June 8, 2015 If you have any questions during the registration, please email:

Move to Official Registration Page for IEEE DASC/PICom/DataCom/CyberSciTech Conferences for registration.