The 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing

September 12-15, 2022 - Physical Conference

Call For Workshops and Special Sessions - IEEE CBDCom 2022

IEEE CBDCom 2022 invites Workshops and Special Sessions (SS) to enrich and broaden the research focus of the main conference. The purpose is to provide opportunities for focused discussions on selected topics that will not be fully explored during the main event, as well as to encourage in-depth discussion of technical and application issues related to Cloud and Big Data Computing. Workshops and Special Sessions are a great addition to the main conference.

Please submit a proposal containing the following information to Dr. Stefania Tomasiello at < stefania DOT tomasiello AT ut DOT ee >

The proposal should contain the following information:

Acceptance will be based on an evaluation of the Workshop/SS topic, its relevance to the main conference, the expected audience, and the proposer’s ability to lead a successful workshop.

The organizers and chairs of each accepted Workshop/SS shall have full control on the call for papers, composing the program committee, managing the review and selection of papers as well as planning the workshop program. The review and selection of workshop papers should follow similar approaches used in the main conference. The conference organizers and not the workshop organizers will determine the registration fees for workshops. The fees will be paid to the conference, and the conference will provide workshop facilities including the meeting room, proceedings and conference attendance delegation for the Workshop/SS day.

The proceedings of the IEEE CBDCom 2022 workshops will be published by Conference Publishing Services and included in the proceedings of IEEE CBDCom 2022.

A single pdf file with all the material described above should be prepared. Please email your proposals in PDF format as early as possible and not later than March 15, 2022, to the Workshop Chairs. Please use ‘CBDCom 2022 Workshop-SS Proposal’ as the email subject. Accepted proposals should follow strictly the important dates, particularly paper notification and camera-ready dates listed below.

Workshop/SS Chairs:

Important Dates: