GraphCom 2018 will be held in conjunction with IEEE DASC 2018 in August 12-15, 2018 in Athens, Greece, co-located with IEEE CyberSciTech 2018, IEEE DataCom 2018 and IEEE PiCom 2018 (the event location is very close to the Parliament of Greece).
Data from diverse fields are modeled as graphs (networks) nowadays because of their convenience in representing underlying relations and structures in large complex systems. Some significant examples of socio-technical and cyber-physical systems represented by graphs are the web, various social networking platforms (e.g., Facebook and Twitter), infrastructure systems (e.g., road or power networks), and many forms of biological systems (e.g., protein interactions). The goal of mining and analysis of graph data is to find structures or patterns and reveal properties that govern the construction and evolution of the corresponding systems. Thus, computation on graph data help researchers and practitioners to understand thoroughly and improve the corresponding systems leading to dependable and secure systems.
With the unprecedented advancement of computing and data technology, we are deluged with massive data from diverse areas such as online social media and other internet activities, business and finance, computational biology and so on. In the era of big data, the graph data emerged from those areas are very large. The Web has over 1 trillion web pages. Most social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, have millions to billions of users. The emergence of such big data poses non-trivial challenges for scalable graph computation. These graphs often do not fit in the main memory of a single machine. Further, the existing sequential algorithms might take a prohibitively large runtime to process such graphs. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of graph-centric computation to deal with the emerging challenges of mining, generating, and visualizing large graph data.
Papers are invited on topics including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Graph Mining and Analytics
2. Graph Modeling and Generation
3. Graph Visualization
4. Practical Applications of Graphs
The workshop will feature: invited talks, contributed talks, and a short session on open problems and directions for future research. Papers that describe original and ongoing research as well as those that describe systems and tools are solicited.
The papers accepted in GraphCom 2018 will be published by IEEE Xplore Library, Ei Compendex, Scopus, Google Scholar, DBLP, and so on.
Paper Submission Deadline: | June 1, 2018 |
Notification of acceptance: | June 15, 2018 |
Camera-Ready Papers Due: | June 25, 2018 |