Big data is a rapidly expanding research area spanning the fields of computer science and information management, and has become a ubiquitous term in understanding and solving complex problems in different disciplinary fields such as engineering, applied mathematics, medicine, computational biology, healthcare, social networks, finance, business, government, education, transportation and telecommunications. The goal of IEEE DataCom 2018 is to establish an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the fields of Big Data intelligence and computing. IEEE DataCom 2018 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research work in Big Data. IEEE DataCom 2018 will be held on August 12-15, 2018, co-located with IEEE CyberSciTech 2018, IEEE DASC 2018 and IEEE PICom 2018, in Athens, Greece.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Authors are invited to submit their original research work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Papers should be prepared in IEEE CS format and submitted via the IEEE DataCom 2018 web site,
All accepted papers in the main tracks, workshops, special sessions and demos/posters will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in special issues of prestige journals (SCI/EI indexed).
[12 Aug Proceedings
[14 Jul] Keynote speakers and tutorials have been announced!
[14 Jul] An advance program is now available!
[13 Jun] Participant registration is now open!
[10 Jun] Camera-ready submission instructions are now available.
[06 Jun] A tentative schedule is now available!
[30 April] Paper deadline has been extended to May 10 (firm).
Tutorial / Workshop / Special Session Proposal Due: Feb 10, 2018
Research Track:
Poster/Wip/Special Session:
Registration deadline: June 27, 2018
Camera ready deadline: June 30, 2018