Special Sessions
- Virtual Reality under Cyber (VRC) [PDF]
- Cyber-Enabled Smart Environment and Healthcare (Cyber-ESEH) [PDF]
- Cyber-enabled Intelligent Sensing and Smart Computing (Cyber-ISSC) [PDF]
- Special Session on Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications (CSC&CEA) [PDF]
- Computing and Applications for Cyber Internet of Things (Cyber-IoT) [PDF]
(1) Virtual Reality under Cyber (VRC)
Scope and topics
In the past several years, we have seen dramatic advancement in many applications enabled by the use of virtual reality technologies. The purpose of this special issue on CyberSciTech 2017 is to offer a platform for scientist and researchers to exchange their novel ideas and outcomes in research and technology on virtual reality. The main topics of interest are on challenges and innovations for virtual reality and its applications in game, movie and social networking. We are seeking papers in, but not limited to, the following main areas:
- Architecture and equipment for virtual reality
- Facial animation, human motion analysis and synthesis
- Fluid animation and fluid modeling
- Computer vision for 3D modeling
- Augmented reality and image processing for visual effects
Yi Wei, Lecture, Wuyi University, wyqbits@sina.com
(2) Cyber-Enabled Smart Environment and Healthcare (Cyber-ESEH)
Scope and topics
In this special session, we are interested in research on cyber-enabled systems, technologies, and applications related to smart environment and healthcare. Smart home technologies have been starting to reach millions of consumers. Such technologies promise to make our life much easier and enjoyable. There are many exciting open research opportunities, such as context-aware sensing and decision making, intention recognition based on body languages as well as oral commands, realtime monitoring and intervention for home-based care for patients with autism, ADHD, mild cognitive impairment, or dementia. This line of research has a unique characteristic in that the target physical elements are predominantly human beings. Various sensors could be used to monitor the state of a person, which could be the vital signs or the quality and quantity of designated activities performed by the person. The technology developed for cyber-enabled smart environment and healthcare should be capable of detecting key events, establish behavioral patterns, communicating with cloud services for additional information if needed, and understand the situation, which would lead to appropriate feedback or intervention, either to the patient themselves directly, or to healthcare professionals.
Topic of interests of this special session include, but not limited to:
- Smart and connected health
- Smart home
- Internet of Things
- Wearable sensing and computing
- Speech recognition and speaker identification
- Computer vision and image processing
- Behavior analysis and modeling of human activities
- Context-aware sensing and decision making
- Human-cyber-physical interaction
- Sensing, networking, and computing with smart phones and wearable devices
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their original work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Submitted papers need to abide by IEEE Computer Society formats. Final papers must be formatted accordingly (see “IEEE Manuscript Templates”) and submitted via EDAS https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=23118 under this special session track.
Types of submission
Authors may submit their works as either regular papers of 4-6 pages or poster/position papers of 2-4 pages. All papers need to be in IEEE CS format and submitted following the same instruction on the CyberSciTech 2017 congress web site.
Paper publications
If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must attend the conference to present the work in order for the paper to be included in the IEEE Digital Library.
Journal publications of extended conference papers
Selected papers will be recommended to the IEEE Access (impact factor 3.244) special section on human-centered smart systems and technologies (http://ieeeaccess.ieee.org/special-sections/human-centered-smart-systems-technologies/) after significant extension, which is due December 31, 2017.
- Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland State University, USA (Special Session Contact: wenbing@ieee.org)
- Yonghong Peng, University of Sunderland, UK
- Yong-Qiang Cheng, University of Hull, UK
- Xiong Luo, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
- Anfeng Liu, Central South University, China
- Kun Hua, Lawrence Technological University, USA
- Chaomin Luo, University of Detroit Mercy, USA
(3) Cyber-enabled Intelligent Sensing and Smart Computing (Cyber-ISSC)
Scope and topics
With the rapid development of Ubiquities computing and Internet of Things, Cyber-enabled Intelligent Sensing and Smart Computing devote to study intelligent sensing technologies and smart computing algorithms. In the large scale Internet of things, the massive sensing data with complex in structures, high dimensional, distributed, and heterogamous are growing rapidly. It brings new opportunities to data owner and challenges to data researchers. These challenges are distinguished and require new computational paradigm. How to sense the physical world and how to effectively compute the sensing data has become the emerging research topics. This Special Session seeks to original research papers as well as review papers on Cyber-enabled Intelligent Sensing and Smart Computing.
Topic of interests of this special session include, but not limited to:
- Intelligent Internet of Things
- Wireless sensor networks and mobile communication networks
- Smart cities and intelligent transportation
- Social networks and mobile computing
- Big Data analysis and cloud computing
- Security and privacy for mobile Internet of Things
- Modeling and applications for Cyber-Psychical Systems
Submission guidelines
Submission and Publication Authors are invited to submit their original work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Submitted papers need to abide by IEEE Computer Society formats. Final papers must be formatted accordingly (see “IEEE Manuscript Templates”) and submitted via EDAS https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=23118. Special session needs to be in IEEE CS format and submitted following the same instruction on the CyberSciTech 2017 congress web site. A special session paper should be between 4-8 pages. All accepted papers in special sessions will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed). Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be considered for publication in the following special issues of prestige journals.
- IEEE Access (Impact factor 3.244)
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Impact factor 7.596)
- Cluster Computing (Impact factor 2.040)
Organizing committee
- Tie Qiu, Dalian University of Technology, China, (Special Session Contact: qiutie@ieee.org)
- Chun-Wei Tsai, National Ilan University, Taiwan
- Arun Kumar Sangaiah,VIT University, India
- Zhetao Li, Xiangtan University, China
- Songtao Lu, Iowa State University, USA
(4) Special Session on Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications (CSC&CEA)
Aims and Scope
In the past several years, we have seen dramatic advancement in many application domains enabled by the use of computing and networking technologies, as well as computational intelligence algorithms and computing methodologies. This development has resulted in many emerging highly interdisciplinary research areas, such as Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Big Data, Social Computing, and a variety of cyber-enabled applications. These new technologies are transforming our society, and have enormous economic impact from various aspects beyond peoples expectation. This special session, focusing on Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications, aims to bring together researchers and engineers from all related areas to disseminate their findings and foster a community to exchange ideas and seek potential collaborations, so as to further the advancement of the state of the art of these emerging paradigms and technologies. This special session will be held in conjunction with CyberSciTech 2017 (2017 IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, Orlando, USA, November 6-10, 2017).
This special session solicits original, unpublished papers (including work-in-progress papers) on the research and development closely related to Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- User behavior analysis and modeling in social cyberspace
- User influence measure and model in social cyberspace
- Community detection and structural analysis in social cyberspace
- Information diffusion and sharing across multi social cyberspaces
- Semantic social network analysis
- Data-driven interdisciplinary modeling and analysis
- Trust and reputation in social cyberspace
- Privacy and security in social cyberspace
- Cyber-enabled smart learning, healthcare services
We also welcome submissions on fundamental research in cyber social computing that enables and facilitates new smart technologies in any of potential application domains or in other areas that we have yet to foresee.
Special Session Organizers
- Weimin Li, Shanghai University, China
- Qun Jin, Wesada University, Japan
Submission & Publication
Interested authors can submit full technical papers with 4-6 pages or work-in-progress paper with 2-4 pages. All submissions should follow the IEEE CS format. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the proceedings of CyberSciTech 2017 by IEEE CPS (IEEE Digital Library and EI-indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at CyberSciTech 2017. Otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Selected excellent papers, after further extension and revision, will be recommended to special issues of prestige international journals (SCI/EI indexed).
Contact Information
Dr. Weimin Li, wmli@shu.edu.cn
Emerging smart transportation systems are expected to be comprised of automated and connected vehicles as well as a technology-rich transportation infrastructure. While applications of smart transportation systems are numerous and some of them may yet be unknown, their potential to impact the society and quality of life is significant. A major enabling factor for smart transportation systems is the cyber technology and science, including technologies from multiple domains such as sensing, computing (software and hardware), control, wireless communication among others. Despite the fast pace of advances in each of the above technology domains, there are still significant challenges to be addressed from both individual technology and integration perspectives. This special session focuses on cyber and cyber-physical technology and science advances that promise to make future smart transportation systems a reality. The session aims to bring together researchers and engineers from all related areas to disseminate their findings and exchange ideas in a scientific setting. This special session will be held in conjunction with CyberSciTech 2017 (2017 IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, Orlando, USA, November 6-10, 2017).
This special session solicits original, unpublished papers (including work-in-progress papers) on the research and development closely related to the cyber or cyber-physical technology and science that enables smart transportation systems. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- Hardware and Software Architecture for Automated and Connected Vehicle Technologies
- Sensing, Communication and Computing Technologies for Automated or Connected Vehicles, or in general Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Smart and Connected Communities, Transportation Applications and Technologies
- The Science of System Integration for Smart Transportation Systems
- Mobility Management in Connected Transportation
- Situational Awareness and Sensing in Automated Vehicles
- Wireless Communication Technologies for Connected or Automated Vehicles
- Data-driven Modeling and Analysis of Transport Systems and Vehicles
- Privacy and Security Aspects of the Cyber Technology in Transportation Systems
- Submission Due: August 20, 2017
- Acceptance Notification: September 6, 2017
- Camera-ready Manuscript Due: September 20, 2017
- Yaser P. Fallah, University of Central Florida, USA
- Somak Datta Gupta (sdattagu@ford.com), Ford Motor Co.
Interested authors can submit full technical papers with 4-6 pages or work-in-progress paper with 2-4 pages. All submissions should follow the IEEE CS format. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the proceedings of CyberSciTech 2017 by IEEE CPS (IEEE Digital Library and EI-indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at CyberSciTech 2017. Otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Selected excellent papers, after further extension and revision, will be recommended to special issues of prestige international journals (SCI/EI indexed).
- Dr. Yaser P. Fallah, Yaser.fallah@ucf.edu
(6) Computing and Applications for Cyber Internet of Things (Cyber-IoT)
Scope and Topics
With the explosion of connected devices, cyber Internet of things (Cyber-IoT) have emerged to provide users with ubiquities computing and applications. In the Cyber-IoT, data storage and computing can be separated and distributed among the connected devices to support users with various services. To efficiently realize the Cyber-IoT computing and applications, new challenges must be addressed as different Cyber-IoT paradigms may have different needs and targets. For example, Cyber-IoT devices (e.g., driverless cars and smart phones) can communicate via wireless and mobile links, where the unstable and intermittent data transmission should be improved. Moreover, how to efficiently manage data storage as well as how to secure the Cyber-IoT system, are significant challenges with the development of Cyber-IoT.
This special session encourages both industry and academia to submit original research papers related to Cyber-IoT computing and applications. Topic of interests of this special session includes, but not limited to:
- Computing and application architectures for Cyber-IoT
- Modeling and performance analysis for Cyber-IoT
- Wireless communication and networking for Cyber-IoT
- Resource allocation and energy efficiency for Cyber-IoT
- QoS and QoE provisioning for Cyber-IoT
- Trust, security and privacy for Cyber-IoT
- Storage and cache management for Cyber-IoT
Submission guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their original work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Final papers must be formatted accordingly (see “IEEE Manuscript Templates”) and submitted via EDAS (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=23118) under this special session track. A special session paper should be between 4-6 pages.
- Zhou Su, Shanghai University, China (zhousu@ieee.org)
- Kan Yang, The University of Memphis, USA (Kan.Yang@memphis.edu)