Over the last fifty years, computational intelligence has evolved from logic-based artificial intelligence, nature-inspired soft computing, and social-oriented agent technology to cyber-physical integrated ubiquitous intelligence towards Pervasive Intelligence (PI). The International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing is intended to cover all kinds of these intelligent paradigms as well as their applications in various pervasive computing domains. PICom-2018 is the conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, previously held as PCC (Las Vegas, USA, 2003 and 2004), PSC (Las Vegas, USA, 2005), PCAC (Vienna, Austria, 2006, and Niagara Falls, Canada, 2007), IPC-2007 (Jeju, Korea, December 2007), IPC-2008 (Sydney, Australia, December 2008), and since 2009 as the name PICom. IEEE PICom 2018 will be held on 12-15 August 2018 in Athens, Greece, co-located with IEEE CyberSciTech 2018, IEEE DASC 2018 and DataCom 2018. It aims to bring together computer scientists and engineers, to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, work-in-progress, novel designs, and test-environments or test-beds in the important areas of Pervasive Intelligence and Computing.
Deep Learning and Deep Computation
Big Data and Smart Data
Brain-inspired Computing
Crowd Souring and Intelligence
Social Intelligence and Computing
Ubiquitous Intelligence
Agent-based Computing
Cyber-Physical Computing
The Internet of Things
Cloud of Things and Cloud of Sensors
Embedded HW, SW & Systems
Pervasive Devices and RFIDs
Wearable Devices and Applications
Sensor Technology and Networks
Pervasive Networks/Communications
Edge and Fog Computing
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
Device Virtualization
Privacy, Security and Trust
Context-Aware Computing
Mobile Data Mining
Ubiquitous Data Mining
Activity Recognition
Cloud Computing
Services for Pervasive Computing
Smart Cities and Smart Homes
Intelligent Social Networking
Pervasive Technologies for ITS
HCI for Pervasive Computing
Mobile Data Modeling
Middleware for Pervasive Computing
Intelligent/Smart IoT
Programming Abstractions for IoT
Semantic Analysis
Authors are invited to submit their original work that has not previously been submitted or published in any other venue. Regular, work-in-progress (WiP), workshop/special session, poster papers all need to be in IEEE CS format and submitted following the same instruction on the CyberSciTech 2018 congress website (http://cyber-science.org/2018). A regular paper is between 6-8 pages. A WiP, workshop, or special session paper should be between 4-6 pages and a poster paper should be between 2-4 pages.
Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE (IEEE-DL and EI indexed) in Conference Proceedings. Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers. Selected papers will be recommended to prestigious journal special issues.
[12 Aug Proceedings
[14 Jul] Keynote speakers and tutorials have been announced!
[14 Jul] An advance program is now available!
[13 Jun] Participant registration is now open!
[10 Jun] List of Accepted Papers published. Please see here
[10 Jun] Camera-ready submission instructions are now available.
[06 Jun] A tentative schedule is now available!
[30 April] Paper deadline has been extended to May 10 (firm).
Regular Paper Submission Due: May 10, 2018 (firm deadline)
Wksp/SS/Poster Paper Due: May 25, 2018
Authors Notification: June 10, 2018
Camera ready Submission: June 20, 2018
Authors Registration: June 27, 2018