Computational Intelligence for Pervasive Systems
Over the last fifty years, computational intelligence has evolved from artificial intelligence, nature-inspired computing, and social-oriented technology to cyber-physical integrated ubiquitous intelligence towards Pervasive Intelligence (PI). The IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing is intended to cover all kinds of these intelligent paradigms as well as their applications in various pervasive computing domains. PICom-2021 is the conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, previously held as PCC (Las Vegas, USA, 2003 and 2004), PSC (Las Vegas, USA, 2005), PCAC (Vienna, Austria, 2006, and Niagara Falls, Canada, 2007), IPC-2007 (Jeju, Korea, December 2007), IPC-2008 (Sydney, Australia, December 2008), and since 2009 as the name PICom. It aims to bring together computer scientists and engineers, to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, work-in-progress, novel designs, and test-environments or testbeds in the important areas of Pervasive Intelligence and Computing.
Along with the conference, 4 workshops will be held:
Workshop/SS Proposal Due: May 1, 2021 Workshop/SS Proposal Notification: May 15, 2021
Main Conference Papers Paper Submission Due: July 15, 2021 Authors Notification: Aug. 15, 2021 Camera-ready Submission: Sept. 15, 2021 Workshop /Special Session Papers Submission Due: Aug. 27, 2021 Author Notification Due: Sept. 21, 2021 Camera-ready Submission: Oct. 1, 2021