The 7th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress

September 12-15, 2022 - Physical Conference

Accepted Special Sessions - IEEE CyberSciTech 2022

  1. Cyber Social Computing and Cyber-Enabled Applications (CSC&CEA)
  2. Special Session on Intelligent Computing in Cyber-Physical Social Systems (CyberIC)
  3. Computing and Applications for Cyber Internet of Things (Cyber-IoT 2022)
  4. The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Cyber Security and Defence (BigCyberSecurity 2022)
  5. AI based Platforms and Cyber security for Smart Energies Communities (AICSSEC 2022)
  6. Intelligent Decentralized Edge Computing for Assisted Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (IDECASCPS 2022)
  7. ** NEW ** Late breaking innovation track ** submissions open NOW on Easychair - hard deadline July 20th, 2022 !

Accepted Workshops - IEEE CyberSciTech 2022

  1. The 3rd International Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life 2022)
  2. The 3rd International Workshop on Cyber System Security and Intelligence (CSSI 2022)
  3. The International Workshop on Adaptive Cyber Learning 2022 (ACL 2022)
  4. The 1st International Workshop on COMMunity-OrieNted WEARrable Computing Systems (COMMON-WEARS 2022)